IT migration is a process of transferring data or software from one system to another. IT migration could involve one or more types of movement: Data migration, application migration, operating system migration, and cloud migration. IT migration involves many moving parts and requirements that are specific to an organization’s needs. Proper planning with an infrastructure automation strategy can make IT migrations easier. IT migration contributes to faster and smoother projects, reducing the errors that can result from repetitive manual processes.
Migration is done to upgrade and expand storage capacity, improve performance, reduce costs, reduce physical footprint, etc. Every migration is different based on the data involved, workloads involved, and security considerations. Migration requires planning before the migration and validation after the migration. A few types of migrations include: Upgrading an application or operating system, moving data from one database to another, replacing of data storage system with another, moving from on-premise infrastructure to cloud infrastructure, and replacing a monolithic application with containerized services. Techmatics help you to easily migrate without any data loses security breaches.